Uttarakhand Seeds and Tarai Development Corporation Ltd

Phone - : 05944-230233, 230231, 230222
    Fax -  : 05944-230500

Email id :  [email protected]                             [email protected]


1 Leading Wheat Certified seed producer, processor and marketeer in the world.
2 One of the Big Seed Companies of India in terms of volume & turnover.
3 35 Distributors spread all over Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Bihar, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Orissa, Jammu & Kashmir and Delhi.
4 More than 4000 dealers in urban, semi-urban and rural parts of above states.
5 Technically qualified Production, Quality Control, Processing and Marketing personnel.
6 7 well equipped Processing plants with annual processing capacity of appx. 6.0 lac quintals.
7 7 Lac quintal capacity godowns properly maintained.
8 5 Project & 6 Marketing offices in U.P., Bihar, Uttarakhand and West Bengal.

What we can do for you :
If you are a Seed Company we can provide you high quality Foundation/Certified I seed as per your need and specifications.
If you want us to undertake customized seed production we can do that.
If you are Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) company we can help you in reaching to the interior parts of Bihar & U.P. through our network.
If you are an Agro Processing Company we can join hands for production and procurement of raw material of exacting standards.
If you are an Agri-Product Exporter we can do customized procurement of specific agro products.
If you want us to provide high quality seed of specific variety and standards to your contracted growers we can do that.
If you are an Agri-Business company we can provide you an outlet through our network.
If you are engaged in Agro Trade, we can enroll you as our DISTRIBUTOR / DEALER.
If you are a Farmer, we can either enroll you as a seed grower or provide you high quality seed.
If you are in organic Agri-produce, we can provide you sizeable quality of organically grown cereals, pulses, oil seed and other crops.

© Copyright 2024 Uttaranchal Seeds and Tarai Development Corporation Ltd.