Uttarakhand Seeds and Tarai Development Corporation Ltd

Phone - : 05944-230233, 230231, 230222
    Fax -  : 05944-230500

Email id :  [email protected]                             [email protected]

Facility to seed grower

To ensure targeted production, foundation seed is distributed to the seed growers at the nearest place to their destination by sending teams for distribution.
Payment of their produce is made at the nearest place by establishing Accounts Offices in all the Regional Offices of the areas concerned.
Technical guidance and supervision is provided by the Corporation from time to time.
The Corporation pays better price to its seed growers, which is 10% to 15% higher than others.
The Corporation makes arrangement for registration of the seed growers with the Certification Agency instead of bothering the growers themselves. They are encouraged for foundation seed production and as well as able to get a little more price as compared to certified seed. Arrangements are made for the intake as near as possible to their seed to the Seed Processing plants of the Corporation, if the distance is above than a prescribed limit.
Empty Gunny bags are providing to the seed process to bring their raw seed to the seed processing plants.


Seed in small packing i.e. for 1/4th of an acre to 1 acre are made for providing to the small and marginal farmers in proper sealed packing. To achieve the objective of providing seed to the farmers at reasonable price, the Corporation does not aim at profiteering. However, the remunerative price to quality seed growers along with the expenses incurred have to be included in costing of certified seed. The Corporation for all its services charges only 7% in the cost of certified seed which is lowest-ever charged by any State/National Seeds Corporation under the National Seeds Project. It has been observed, in all the past 25 years gone, that this Corporation has been able to pay to the Seed Growers much higher price than that of any other Seed Corporations and is able to keep.

It's retail sale prices lower than that of any other State Seed Corporation. Recently, a very high level Technical Committee under the Chairmanship of Director General, Council of Agriculture Research, U.P. examined the pricing system of the Corporation and methodology of fixing growers payments in detail and concluded that the system followed by this Corporation is most scientific and satisfactory.


Seed production of several hill crops/varieties are being taken up in Kharif and Rabi season. Chiefly Mandua, Sawan, Ricebean, Soybean, Gahat, Rajma and Ramdana crop/varieties in Kharif and in Rabi, Barley crop is included. There is acute shortage of certified seed of minor crops to come up with this problem. Corporation is taking up these crops in its seed production channel.


Uttrarakhand is declared as Basmati export zone keeping in view this fact corporation is promoting its Basmati certified seed production. Several varieties are in production programme namely Pusa Basmati-1, Pusa Sugandha 2, Pusa Sugandha 3, Taravadi Basmati and Jaivik Dehraduni Basmati. So that required certified seed can be made available to the Basmati growers.

© Copyright 2024 Uttaranchal Seeds and Tarai Development Corporation Ltd.