Uttarakhand Seeds and Tarai Development Corporation Ltd

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Kitchen Seeds

CAULIFLOWER (Brassica Oleracea var Botrytis L.)
(Brassica Oleracea var Botrytis L.)

Snow white, self blanched, hidome curds, takes 90-95 days after transplanting. Field resisted to black rot.

CABBAGE GOLDEN ACRE: Plants with short stalk and small frame, dark green cup shaped leaves with prominent veins, ready in 60 - 75 days after transplanting, very compact, round heads with excellent quality, average weight 1.0 to 1.5 kgs. Most open pollinated variety.

TOMATO (Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill.)
PANT TOMATO-3: Plant small, suitable for Winter season, fruits round and bigger in size, smooth red in color. Average weight 85 gms. per fruit, duration 90 to 100 days for picking, yield 30 to 350 qtl./ha.

Indeterminate, early, fruits ripen in 60 to 65 days after transplanting, cut leaves, light green foliage, fruit small to medium in size, slightly furrowed, uniform red slightly acidic in taste, 4 to 5 loculed, good for juice and ketchup. Well adaptive variety throughout India. Suitable for Autumn- Winter and Spring- Summer crops.

EGG PLANT (BRINJAL) (Solam melongena L.)
PANT RITURAJ : Fruits almost round with slight tapering towards fruits, bottom, dark purple in color. Fruit texture is soft, less seeded with good flavour, good keeping quality. Posses field resistance to bacterial wilt. Takes 60 days for picking. Av. yield 268 qtl per hac.

Fruits medium long borne in small cluster. Fruits of attractive purple color with soft texture. Resistant to phomopsis blight and under field conditions. Least infestation of Shoot borers and jassids. Days to first picking after transplanting 70 days. Av. yield 300 qtl per hac.

HOT PEPPER (CHILLIES) (Capsicum Frutescence L.)
PANT C-1: Plant height 57 cm. , Flowers of white color. Fruits 6.9 cm long. 2.9 cm in perimeter, smooth erect in position, fruit end blunt, color fruit green when up- ripen, deep red maturity, locules per fruits 2-6, highly pungent. Possess better resistance to leaf curl and mosaic diseases. Fruiting in 61 days. first harvesting in 99 days, yields 125 qtl. green and 25 qtl dry/ha.

CAPSICUM (Capsicum annum L.)
CALIFORNIA WONDER : Plant upright and late maturing, fruits with 3-4 distinct lobes, smooth, thick walled deep green, flesh also thick, sweet and fine flavoured. turns bright crimson at maturity, good yielder over and extended period.

RADISH (Raphanus sativas L.)
JAPANESE WHITE: Pure white root, 20 to 25 cm long, thick, stumpy, cylindrical and smooth; flash snow white, crisp solid sweet and mildly pungent. Top medium with deep cut leaves. Maturity 55 to 65 days.

Roots pure white, smooth, soft in texture, less pungent in summer sowing. 15 to 22 cm long, thick and stumpy, Leaves medium, entire slightly lobed, dark green and upright in growth; only variety suitable for sowing from April to August, maturity 45 d

CARROT (Daucus carota L.)
NANTES: Temperature type, small tops with green leaves, roots well shaped, small orange, perfectly cylindrical abruptly ending in small thin, tail, fine grained. Sweet and self coloured core, flesh orange scarlet.

PUSA KESAR: Short tops, roots tapering, deep red branching, rich in carotene. ready for harvest in 80 to 90 days. Good yield.

TURNIP (Brassica rapa L.)
PURPLE TOP WHITE GLOBE: Temperature, root large round, smooth, bright purplish-red in upper half, lower portion creamy white. Flesh white, firm, crisp and sweet flavoured. Heavy cropper. Top dark green, erect, cut leaves, maturity 60 to 65 days. Suitable for sowing from October to December.

CORIANDER (Coriendrum sativum.)
PANT HARITIMA (PD-1): A good yielder in respect of leaves and seeds, leaves are border, smooth with appealing fragrance and attractive green colors. Seeds are smaller in size. Leaves and seeds are rich in oil content. The plant are 1.5 mt. tall and bears 8 - 9 branches. Resistant to stem gall forming fungus. Maturity in 155 - 160 days. Yield of leaves 125 - 140 qtl per hac. and seed 15 - 18 qtls per hac.

SPINACH (Beta vulgaris L.)
ALL GREEN: Uniformly green, tender leaves with entire margin. Produces seed stalks in 75 days during winter, heavy yielder, gives 5 to 6 cutting. suitable for sowing in September.

FENUGREEK (METHI) (Trigonella foenum- gracium L.)
PUSA EARLY BUNCHING: A quick growing variety, produces upright branches, leaves green, flowers axillaries, white and bold seeded variety. Takes 125 days for seed maturity, heavy yielder.

Late rosette type green leaves, yellow flowers, pod sickle shaped. several cutting can be taken, heavy yielder, suitable for October- November sowing.

GARDEN PEA (Pisum sativum L.)
ARKEL: Plants dwarf, 40 - 60 cm tall, Pods attractive, dark green about 8 cm long, slightly curved and well filled, wrinkled seed and very sweet. Pods ready in 55 - 60 days yielding 100 - 125qtls per hac. and seed yield varies from 12 - 13 qtls per hac . Suitable for sowing in early October .

Plant height 80 to 90 cms. Foliage dark green, days to flowering 40 to 45 days. Pods smooth filled, 8 to 10 cm long, narrow, very tightly filled 8 to 10 seeds per pod. Pods slightly curved at the distal end Mature seeds wrinkled. Escapes powdery mildew and rust owing to early ness. Sowing time October to November.

Plants are dwarf with dark green foliage. Pods are long curved and well filled, seeds are wrinkled with green seed coat the first picking 60-65 days. Yield potential 90 qtls. per hac.
VL-7: Plant dwarf with 65-75 cm tall, flower colour white, Escapes powdery mildew due to early ness pod slightly curved 8 cm. long, seed wrinkled light green in color, 7-8 seed per pod.

FRENCHBEAN (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
CONTENDER: Bush type. Days to flowering 40- 45 days, flowers light purple color, prolific bearer. Pods 12 to 18 cms. Long dark green when fresh, round. covered top thick meaty and sting less, tolerant to mosaic and powdery mildew.

PANT ANUPAMA: Bush type. Plant height 45 cms, Pods concentrated at mid- height. Pods round, straight, 10 - 15 cms. long tender, string less. Days to flowering 50 days. Seeds medium in size. uniformly dark brown in color.. Suitable for canning and freezing. Resistant to angular leaf spot disease. Average yield of green pod 100 qtls per hac.

Sesbania is grown as a green manure crop. About 556 days old crop is ploughed down to get Nitrogen after decomposition.

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