Uttarakhand Seeds and Tarai Development Corporation Ltd

Phone - : 05944-230233, 230231, 230222
    Fax -  : 05944-230500

Email id :  tdc@uaseedsandtdc.com                             gm@uaseedsandtdc.com

Introduction & History of  UKS & TDC

Intro :

  • Established on June 29th, 1969 by GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology University, Government of India and Farmers of tarai area.
  • Restructured as U.P. Seeds and Tarai Development Corporation Ltd. in 1978.
  • As a result of division of state of Uttar Pradesh this was named as Uttaranchal Seeds and Tarai Development Corporation Ltd. (UAS & TDC) on 27.12.2003. Now owing to change of state name the Corporation’s name also stands changed as Uttarakhand Seeds and Tarai Development Corporation Ltd. (UKS & TDC) since 23.09.2009
  • Operating across the state-20,000 hectares seed production area.

India is a country predominantly based on Agriculture. Most of its population (about 80% ) is engaged in Agriculture. Land is a basic input of agriculture which is not only limited, but cultivable land continues to shrink owing to increased intensity of non-productive utilization. Therefore, it is a absolutely necessary to increase the productivity per unit area so as to keep pace with the requirement of food to ever increasing population. To achieve this goal, availability of high quality seed, in adequate quantities, is of paramount importance. In this very context, a project known as Tarai Development Corporation (TDC), was launched on 29th June, 1969 with the assistance of World Bank and Govt. of India. Prior to this, the work of seed production was being accomplished by the Seed Production Department of the G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology.
Under the auspices of Tarai Development Corporation (TDC) land reform works viz. leveling, grading, development of irrigation facilities; electrification, sinking of shallow and deep tube wells and import of agricultural implements such as, tractors, combine harvesters and various imported parts were carried out in order to provide basic inputs to the share holder seed producer for efficient and quality seed production. The corporation's contribution to "Green Revolution" received all around acclamation and applause. The government of India and World Bank were so impressed with its efficiency, achievement that the corporation was taken as Mother Project, for establishing similar seed project in other 5 state of the Country under National seed program (NSP) phase I. Under NSP II, launched in 1978, this corporation was restructured with induction of capital from U.P. State, Govt. of India, NSC and it started functioning under the name and style of "U.P. Seed and Tarai Development corporation Ltd. (UPS & TDC)". As per provision contained in the U.P. Reorganization Act, 2000, an M.O.U. has been entered between the government of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand for the division of the Corporation on 09.12.2002. The Corporation is now functioning under the administrative control of Uttarkhand Government. It is now known as Uttarakhand Seeds and Tarai Development Corporation Ltd. (UKS & TDC).

The mission of UKS & TDC is to act as an effective instrument in accelerating the farm production, productivity per unit and thus, improve the socio-economic status of the rural areas. For this purpose, the Corporation is endeavoring to:
  • Make available quality seed, timely and in adequate quantity at reasonable and economical price in its marketing territories; through Public, Cooperative and Private network of distributors and dealers.
  • Liaise and associate with research organization of repute, for developing production of scientifically proven high yielding seed varieties;
  • Arrange, through selected growers at suitable location, production of foundation seeds and certified seeds, as required from season to season.
  • Maintain organization, systems and procedures to ensure quality of seeds grown, procured, processed and packed, stored and marketed.
  • Aim at generating internal resources for facilitating steady growth and development in servicing the farmers.
• To make available improved quality seeds
• To Increase productivity
• To improve the economic status of the farmer
Long term Objectives:

1. Growth Rate : To achieve a growth of 15% per annum on an average.
2. Profitability : To achieve a reasonable return after tax return on Net Worth.
3. Product-Mix : The Corporation aims to diversify its product-mix based on market intelligence, so as to produce an increasing quantum of high value-added products, rising to 25% of the total turnover.

4. Marketing Strategy :
  • The Corporation is gearing up the Marketing Operation in the Private Sector, while maintaining its standing in the Cooperative and the Public Sector. Accordingly, there will be a greater emphasis on promotion, packaging and customer relations etc., as required in a competitive situation.
  • The Corporation aims at strengthening the co-operation and tie-up with other production and marketing organisations of repute in the seed industry, for deriving mutual benefits in respect of profitable items, which each one cannot take up for itself.
  • Dealership network is being renewed and reoriented to face the marketing challenges in a competitive market.
  • Institutional and Product Publicity, in appropriate media will be undertaken as per ;requirements.
  • Recently inducted F1 Private Hybrid Vegetable Seeds. Produced in collaboration with a reputed seed company of Holland.
  • Arranging Production of Organic Seeds and grains of notified and locally developed varieties at high altitude in hill area of Uttarakhand.

5. Research & Development : A research & development cell is being set up with the responsibility for keeping liaison with various research establishments & maintaining data bank of new seed varieties in the research pipeline, which are of interest to the Corporation. This cell will be actively involved in giving diversification of production & marketing operations.

6. Human Resource Development : Growth with diversification and appropriate return on investments are big challenges for the organization. Success is dependent on the quality, integrity, motivation & development of human resources. Also, the managers have to be prepared to accept bigger roles, with matching authority. An HRD Cell has been set up to give manpower planning an appropriate direction and orientation.

7. Self-sustaining Growth Strategy :
The Corporation aims at achieving self-sustaining growth, primarily based on internally generated resources with proper mix of debt and equity, sound project evaluation and management, efficient marketing and financial management, need-based and cost-effective research & development.

8. Export: Possibilities are being explored for export of high quality "Pantnagar Seeds" (OPUS, Hybrid-Public & Private and Organic) to neighboring countries viz Srilanka, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Indonesia etc. approach is going on for registering our products with FAO for facilitating export of Pantnagar Seeds through FAO to the participating needy Countries.

© Copyright 2024 Uttaranchal Seeds and Tarai Development Corporation Ltd.